Examining Core At Twin Metals


Nevada Net Proceeds of Minerals Tax

The Women’s Mining Coalition has been meeting virtually with Nevada legislators to discuss our concerns about the three resolutions to change the mining taxation provision in Nevada’s Constitution (AJR 1, SJR 2, and AJR 2) that passed during the August 2020 special legislative session. 

During these sessions we have explained how these resolutions will have the adverse and unintended consequence of precipitating mine closures, job losses, and reduced tax revenues from mining. 

We have stressed that mining wants to help the State of Nevada address the budget challenges caused by the pandemic, but that the three resolutions are not the right approach.

During these meetings, we have used the following presentation:

WMC NPOM Presentation View here)

Nv Minerals power renewal energy

Quick Look at Nevada Mining - Facts and Jobs

We have also prepared the following one-pagers on the following issues:


WMC Mining in Nevada
AJR1, SJR1, and AJR2 threaten the future of Nevada's Mining Industry.
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Nevada Mining: Facts versus Fiction
Misinformation Thwarts Constructive Dialogue About Mining’s Important Contributions to the State and Impedes Development of Sound Mining Taxation Policies.

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Declining Gold Production May Reduce the Net Proceeds of Minerals Taxes
AJR 1, SJR1, and AJR 2 will Chill Investment, Cause Further Declines in Mineral Production and Ultimately Reduce NPOM Tax Payments. Nevada’s Mining Taxation Policies Should Encourage Gold Production to Maintain or Increase NPOM Tax Revenues.

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Mineral Exploration and Development: An Important Economic Engine for Nevada
Nevada Mineral Exploration and Development Projects Attract Billions of Dollars of Outside Investment to the Silver State. Mine Developers Bring Huge Investments to Nevada, Create Thousands of Family-Wage Jobs, and Rarely Seek Tax Abatements or Other Incentives From the State.

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Distribution of Indirect and Induced Mining Jobs
Over 200 Nevada Companies and 300 Individual Geologists Work with Nevada Mining. Washoe County is Nevada’s Mining Support Hub; Clark and Elko Counties are Secondary Hubs.

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Mine Development Creates Many Jobs for Nevadans
Nevada Mining Companies Have a “Hire Nevadans” Commitment, Building and Developing Nevada’s Diverse Workforce.

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Environmental and Bonding Requirements for Mines:
Nevada Has World-Class Environmental and Bonding Regulations for Mining

Nevada's mining regulation and reclamation bonding program provides stringent environmental protection and complete financial assurance.
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Modern Mining Uses Modern Technology
Computers are important in mining.