Examining Core At Twin Metals

WMC Leadership - Advisory Committee

Betty Gibbs

Betty Gibbs

Betty Gibbs is retired as President of Gibbs Associates and also retired as Executive Director of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America. Betty is a Mining Engineer with over 50 years’ experience in several large mining companies and as a consultant.  As a consultant since 1985, she was involved with a variety of projects in various commodities including work with geological data base design and implementation, ore reserve estimation, GIS and mapping projects, and computer software training. She has also assembled a storehouse of information on technical software, conducted numerous workshops on technical subjects related to geology and mining, and evaluated a wide range of software for technical applications. Ms. Gibbs has engineering experience in coal, uranium, copper, industrial minerals, and several other metals. A strong focus of her experience is computer applications used for many aspects of mining from exploration through production.

As a consultant, Betty visited and/or worked at many open pit and underground mines in the U.S. and other countries (Africa, France & India). United Nations project experience included training missions to government geological surveys and mining commissions in African countries (Ghana, Malawi, Ethiopia, Tanzania).

Volunteer work for the Colorado Mineral Education Foundation includes serving on the Board of Directors and managing the computer displays for the Taste of Colorado mining tent as well as mining museums in Colorado. Ms. Gibbs was a President of the Computer Oriented Geological Society (COGS) and interfaced between the Society and SME to support the COGS computer bulletin board to provide free software to the geology and mining community.